8 Ways to Secure Your Home While On Vacation

Many families in the Cayman Islands travel during this summer. Below are eight ways to protect your home and get more peace of mind while you’re away!

1. Ensure that All Doors and Windows are Locked Before Leaving

Unlike the dramatic entries shown in popular media, burglars tend to enter your home by walking in through an unlocked door or crawling in through an unlocked window. Locks serve as your first line of defense against intruders, so make sure that they work properly!

If you’re the forgetful type, you may want to consider smart locks, which enable you to lock and unlock your doors and windows remotely. Entry sensors for your doors or windows are another good tool to have in case you forget to lock everything up. When armed, these sensors can send a signal to your smartphone or panel, which will then allow you to alert the authorities.

2. Make it Look Like You’re Home

The best way to do this? Keep a couple of lights on in your home. Better yet, set a timer that will automatically turn on your lights, especially at night. And be sure to have your outside lights scheduled to come on at night. Keeping the lights on makes it look like someone is home. Burglars are more likely to target homes that are dark or appear that no one is home.

3. Don’t Announce Your Trip on Social Media

We live in a day and age where it’s common to share what’s on your mind and what you’re currently up to. But be careful when you’re about to leave for a trip. Don’t announce to your followers that you’re leaving town (or when you’re leaving town). You never know who is looking at your feed. Same goes for geotagging your location, even if you’ve just tagged yourself on the way to the airport. Instead, wait until you’ve returned to share your pictures.

If you can’t resist uploading photos, just be sure to be to switch your account to private or friends only.

4. Invest in Home Security Devices

With modern technology, protecting your home has never been easier. Home security systems can be customized to fit your family’s individual needs and best of all, can be accessed in a variety of ways, including on your smart devices. You can get immediate notifications and respond to emergencies and alarms all within an app or through messaging.

5. Have Neighbors Check In Periodically

Your neighbors are a great—and free—resource to use when you’re off island. You can enlist them to water your plants or watch a pet while you’re away. This way they can periodically check in on your home and make sure it is secure.

Also, talk with them and give them your vacation itinerary and contact info, so they know how to reach you if an issue arises.

6. Collect Your Spare Keys

Before heading out, walk around your house and collect all the spare keys you have hidden. Burglars are getting smarter these days, and will look under your mats and flower pots for keys.

Also, keep tabs on who has keys to your home and make sure they are responsible and will not misplace them.

7. Don’t Cancel Your Lawn Care or Other Services

Again, you want it to appear that you are home, even though you’re not. So an overgrown lawn can be a dead giveaway that you haven’t been home in a while. If you do temporarily suspend these services, be sure to have a friend or neighbor take care of your home’s appearance.

8. Turn Off Your Water and Adjust Your Thermostat

Lastly, make sure to turn off your water in order to prevent potential leaks. This 1-minute chore can save you from potential home damage caused by a leaky pipe.

You can set your thermostat to 85 degrees or higher. Don’t turn off your thermostat altogether, because it could cause issues with other appliances, such as your refrigerator.

Also, be sure to turn off your nonessential appliances, such as your coffee makers, TV, gaming systems and other electronics that have the potential for fires or power surges. These appliances can draw power even when not in use, so you can save on your next energy bill by switching them off when going on a long trip.

These eight tips will help improve your overall home security while on vacation. Plus, you’ll have a better peace of mind while on your adventure!