The felonious taking, either by force or by fear of force, of the personal property of another, commonly known as “hold-up.”
The felonious taking, either by force or by fear of force, of the personal property of another, commonly known as “hold-up.”
The minimum health plan coverage that each person residing in Cayman must have. A SHIC plan provides (in Cayman dollars): $1,000,000 lifetime maximum; $100,000 per annum maximum (mostly available towards hospitalisation and inpatient or outpatient surgery, dialysis, chemotherapy and oncology radiation). Some other SHIC plan highlights are: $400 per annum for medical visits, labs/x-rays & prescriptions; $200 per annum for wellness services; $15,000 air ambulance; $5,000 emergency and $500 pre/ante-natal care.